Avg iPhone owners hooked sex

iphone sex
SAN FRANCISCO - What is the relationship between mobile phone ownership with sexual activity? It seems technically difficult to explain. But according to a survey conducted by a dating site OkCupid, the average iPhone owner is a person "sex. IPhone owners have sex more often than the owners of Android phones and Blackberry owners. Surveys carried out on women phone owners aged 30 years and over. The average respondent OKCupid iPhone owners, once associated with 12 couples, whereas the average android has six couples have sex. While for men, the figure is not far different, where the man also known for iPhone owners have sex more often, seen from the large number of couples was seeing.
"We're exploring all sorts of behaviors approximately 9785 smartphone users," writes OK Cupid, as reported by Cnet, Wednesday (11/08/2010). Android owners enjoy the relationship that is more stable than the iPhone owners who prefer the challenge with many more invited to seek a new partner to have sex. Previously, owners of Apple products are claimed to be people who settled the matter. In a survey conducted MyType known that the owners of other Apple products, iPad is a rich people financially. Even iPad owners have on average six times more wealth than people who do not have the iPad. According to the survey results, the owner of the Apple iPad have profiles tend arrogant, rich and vulnerable to the temptations of anger, lust.


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