BERLIN - Samsung show off tablets that predicts will be heavy competition Apple iPad tablet PC. Tablet is called Galaxy Tab. Galaxy Tab, which exhibited at the International Consumer Electronic IFA in Berlin, Germany, has a touch screen measuring 17.8 inches , smaller and slimmer than the iPad. In addition these devices are also armed with the Android operating system 2.2. Samsung seems quite jealous of the success that Apple has sold three million iPad only within 80 days since the launch of its first , although only launched in the U.S. After that a dozen countries directly disambangi iPad .
Apple 's success is not only the envy of Samsung but almost all electronics vendors intend to make the same device . "Samsung predicts the existence of potential growth in new markets are created . We believe Samsung Galaxy Tab will provide a quality product range in the open market , "said Samsung's head of mobile communication, JK Shin , as quoted by Straits Times, Friday (9/3/2010). Galaxy Tab weighs approximately 380 grams and will be launched in Europe in mid- September. After that would follow other markets , including South Korea , the United States , and Asia in the next month .
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