Samsung and Apple, competitors who Befriend

HONG KONG - Apple has the iPhone and iPad, while Samsung has a few smartphones, and tablets. Whatever is done Apple, Samsung follow.

Samsung behaviors that tend to follow Apple's footsteps can be regarded as measures of competition. But apparently some analysts even suspect if Samsung and Apple are partners related real good.

"Apple and Samsung have a good partnership. Samsung could be regarded as the provider as well as a competitor for Apple, even though they have different strategies. Apple is targeting the high-end market segments, while Samsung wants to play in public markets and large," said Young Park, an analyst at Woori Investment and technology of Securities in South Korea, as quoted by Yahoo News, On Thursday (14/10/2010).

Not only that, more than a third component in the iPad, the iPhone and several other Apple devices were supplied by South Korean companies. That is, Samsung does have a fairly close relationship with Apple.

"Apple and Samsung could practically take advantage of each other. Apple seems to depend on components made by Samsung, while Samsung's own benefit from the innovation of Apple," said Young.

In addition to products, they also have a mobile platform. Apple with the iPhone OS, while the Samsung with Bada. Both have to compete hard to win the operating system market was also battered by the current Windows 7 Phone and Android. Responding to this, senior analyst from New York Investment Bank Rodman and Renshaw, Ashok Kumar, said that if the OS market, industry competition is actually taking place.

"In this huge market, we believe, ultimately there will be two platforms that will exist, namely the Apple and Android. And the platform Samsung will have the same value with Android," said Kumar.

He added that Apple is dominating the high-end market, along with the price of smartphones continue to fall. Samsung's own market Kumas predicted to increase, particularly in developing countries such as Brazil, China and India.

"Apple's premium product and will not be able to get into the more general market. This is where Samsung can get around their market share," says Kumar. (Srn)


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