The device is much faster out of date, cycle to produce new goods is usually only one year, as happened on the Apple iPhone. In November 2007, the first device introduce at a price U.S.$ 500, but eight months later the successor to the iPhone 3G. Similarly, the Sony PlayStation 3. After three years of launch, there was revised five. Revisions to-six will follow soon. When users spend about U.S. $ 700 for the PlayStation in early 2007 the first edition, second edition in October the same year offered around U.S. $ 500.
Having a Lack of New Goods
Indeed interested in new gadgets from around the world. Latest figures showed the British Kingdom. There, consumers who buy the spontaneous release of funds amounting to 3 billion pounds each year for the technology that they do not really need. Wishful thinking to get an upgrade becomes dispersed, Innovation is not possible in a short development cycle, so that new editions are limited in offering the feature. On TV producers, for example, is not a secret anymore if the feature was arrested prior to the next generation seems to offer new innovations. As an example of the latest TV from Philips does not play HD movies via DLNA, although technically already available. PlayStation 3 is the latest variant is far more power-efficient than the first, but no longer can play PS2 games.
Short period of time between each update makes trial become less detailed. Like new sell ripe bananas after arriving in the hands of consumers. For example, the iPad has just offered it will die by itself when used for too long under the blazing sun. Of course this is to prevent overheating. Microsoft Xbox 360 gaming console is not running stable, so the owner must send a first-generation console to the service center for repair. The incident has forced Microsoft to spend around one billion dollar. Google's Android phone from Nexus One can not be separated from the problem (bug). Many users have trouble with the UMTS signal reception, touch-screen, or Bluetooth.
Unfortunately not all manufacturers want to improve this deficiency. According to Google's most recent study results, about two-thirds of the outstanding Android phone equipped with the Android version of the old, these versions are not compatible with a variety of Apps, such as Google Goggles or resrni Twitter client. Most of these devices do not offer updates at all. Adjustment to a new operating system on a phone spend three to five months for the developer so the cost increase. Many companies investing the resource on a new product. Some consumers are trying to avoid this vicious circle. According to a study from Deloitte, 65 percent of mobile phone users in Europe, U.S. and Asia to replace their phones in at least two years. Among adolescents, the percentage is even higher. They changed the phone once every eleven months.
Frugality with goods which had passed the time
When looking for a device it is better not to directly purchase the latest version. In other words, do not be early adopters. It’s when new functions are not truly urgent. With this mode you do not need to be disappointed with a product that is less mature and also do not waste money on useless. The price of a new cell phone certainly cheaper when compared year ago when it was first launched, it’s explain from Customer Service Center. To be safe when buying new devices consumers should consider several things.
When buying a TV for example, it is advisable to buy a model that offered thereafter. The new features are often already integrated, but not yet offered on the latest devices. Indicators can be seen from the strong support of the producers of the old gadgets. Apple in this case can serve as an example, once Apple launches new iPhone 3GS, they offer new features of these phones can fatherly updated on the iPhone 3G before through firmware.
iPhone - After the iPhone 2G, Apple released a new variants every year. Little innovation in this stand makes the user interested.
PlayStation - Two hardware revisions from Sony makes annoyed users. After the first update, the old PS2 games can not run anymore. After the second, there is no support for linux.
Kindle - Amazon gives fatherly time 15 months of this e-book reader on the market, then suddenly appeared Kindle 2. In just four months into candidate replacement DX Kindle
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